Optimization of THz diffractive optical elements thickness
Surma, Mateusz, Izabela Ducin, Maciej Sypek, Przemyslaw Zagrajek, and Agnieszka Siemion. “Optimization of THz diffractive optical elements thickness.” Photonics Letters of Poland 10, no. 4 (2018): 115-117.
Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) are strictly related to the design wavelength due to the fact that they must introduce particular phase delay of the wavefront propagating through the structure. Mostly the attenuation of the material is not taken into account. In this article we propose to optimize thickness of the DOE by reducing introduced phase retardation but also attenuation. The efficiency of DOEs is determined by the method of coding phase distribution and can be easily measured by using diffraction orders of corresponding diffraction grating. Here, we analyze binary phase diffraction gratings with assumed attenuation.