+44 (0) 1223 435380 enquiries@teraview.com

Service Support

Here at TeraView we offer a comprehensive portfolio of support services, all of which are supported by years of experience, working closely with our customers. We recommend that, for optimum performance, instruments are serviced twice yearly.

Maintenance plans are available:

  • Gold Support Agreement
    A 1 year contract that includes 2 preventative maintenance visits, unlimited corrective action visits, laser, software upgrades, parts and labour for corrective action visits and priority response time.
  • Standard Support Agreement
    This yearly support package includes 2 visits which can be either preventative maintenance or corrective action visits. Parts and labour for corrective action visits, software upgrades and priority effort response time are included. Does not include laser or modules.
  • Bespoke Support Agreement
    This support package can be tailored to the customer requirements. Please contact us with your requirements.

For service support of our systems please contact:

Rebecca Goodall
Quality Manager
TeraView Ltd
1, Enterprise
Cambridge Research Park
CB25 9PD
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 435580 (Direct Line)
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 435380 (General Office)
Tel: + 44 (0) 7831 170434 (Mobile)