+44 (0) 1223 435380 enquiries@teraview.com

Contract Terahertz Analysis

From its laboratory in Cambridge (UK), TeraView offers a comprehensive range of contract analytical services. Building on nearly 20 years terahertz experience and hundreds of projects, TeraView is able to quickly access problems and recommend solutions.

Whether a one off exploration, or as part of an ongoing need, TeraView offers a range of agreements to suit all needs. Each customer is appointed with a lead applications scientist and they will work with you to help scope the work and provide regular updates. At the end of the work they will also provide a comprehensive report, which can be tailored to your needs.We are constantly surprised at the range of problems we are asked to look at.

Some of the more common areas include:

  • Pharmaceutical cores and coatings imaging and analysis.
  • Imaging of composites for cracks and delaminations.
  • Non-destructive analysis of teeth.
  • Coatings and how it bonds to the core (Car Paint, Plastics, Epoxy coatings).
  • Non-desctructive scanning of letters, books and art.
  • Detection of cracks and delaminations in ceramics.
  • Materials characterisation of metamaterials, electron-carriers and food.
  • Material integrity studies of paper, plastics and woods.
  • Inspection and cracks and defects buried in silicon.