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TeraView launches high-performing terahertz system

TeraView, is pleased to announce the launch of its latest high performance terahertz system, the TeraPulse Lx. The new system was unveiled to a packed IRMMW (Infrared and mm-wave) conference in Paris recently, with the small lightweight unit being well-received by the nearly one thousand delegates.

The TeraPulse Lx is a modular system with world leading specifications, with a dynamic range approaching 100dB at signal peak, and a bandwidth of 6 THz with the system’s new, light-weight heads. The system comprises a base unit along with a Terahertz Toolbox that includes options to add TeraView’s unique sample chamber or remote heads to match researchers’ needs. At the Paris conference, TeraView also demonstrated the new PolyScan gantry with terahertz auto focus capability. The gantry is portable and positionable for imaging a variety of objects, and provides large area scanning (30 cm x 30 cm) with a unique auto-focus capability to ensure that contrast and resolution are maximised in images, and to take into account undulations in the surface of the object under study.

TeraView has already received orders and commenced shipment for the new system.

Professor Sir Michael Pepper, TeraView’s co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, commented: “The TeraPulse Lx demonstrates TeraView’s world leading performance in scientific research instruments. TeraPulse Lx demonstrates our on-going commitment to stay at the forefront of terahertz device and system development to maximise the bandwidth, signal-to-noise and spatial resolution of our systems, for both imaging and spectroscopy. Our development programme benefits from the background knowledge and experience of TeraView’s scientists and engineers in fields such as semiconductor physics and terahertz measurement.”

Dr Don Arnone, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of TeraView, commented: “As with all of our products, the new TeraPulse Lx is the result of close collaboration with and feedback from many of our customers and collaborators. The new auto-focus for imaging in particular is a direct response to requests from our customers for a feature that would improve the quality of their terahertz images and make terahertz imaging easier to implement in real worlds situations. Similarly, the form factor and portability of the Lx base unit is a response to customers and collaborators seeking to easily transport the system from location-to-location.”

View the TeraPulse Lx here.