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BaSrTiO3 ceramic-polymer composite material lens antennas at 220–330 GHz telecommunication applications

Aug 18, 2021

Myllymäki, S., M. Teirikangas, and M. Kokkonen. “BaSrTiO3 ceramic-polymer composite material lens antennas at 220–330 GHz telecommunication applications.” Electronics Letters 56, no. 22 (2020): 1165-1167.


Ceramic (Ba0.55Sr0.45Ti1.01O3) – polypropylene polymer ER182 composites-based materials were applied for sub-THz range antenna lens application in telecommunications. Typical plano-convex -shaped lenses were simulated and measured with a standard rectangular waveguide at 220–330 GHz frequency band and applied on 150 mm on-air distance. The lens fabricated with ER182 polymer material increased the signal strength by 15 dB, ER182/7 vol% BST by 6 dB and ER182/30 vol% BST by −23 dB. Material loss tangent values were 0.008 for ER182, 0.034 for ER182/7%BST and 0.081 for ER182/30%BST. The directivity of ER182 material lens and WR3 waveguide combination was 26 dBi at 300 GHz.

Full paper can be viewed here.