Newsletter | March 2022
A New Wave of Growth at TeraView

Prof Khalid with Dr Don Arnone, CEO TeraView
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Business Board member Professor Aamir Khalid visited a world-first, homegrown Cambridge business to find out how loan support is helping them to take their growth to the next level.
TeraView is a company reflective of the unique business ecosystem which exists in the region. Born as a ‘spin-out’ from Toshiba and the University of Cambridge, it was co-founded by Sir Michael Pepper and Dr Don Arnone in 2001. Twenty years have since been spent developing patents and intellectual property on ways to use terahertz light for a range of commercial purposes.
Prof Khalid was given a tour of TeraView’s new premises at Cambridge Research Park by Dr Arnone. The new base means it now has space to develop its manufacturing function and grow the business. The move from the more central location of St Johns Innovation Park was supported with a £120,000 Growth Fund loan via the Business Board.
The full press release is available to view here.
Product Videos
Designed for the coatings industry, the TeraCota 2000 sensor can determine the individual thickness of multiple paint layers on both metallic and non-metallic substrates and offers significant benefits over existing techniques.
The sensor is non-contact, suitable for working on curved surfaces and capable of performing horizontal and vertical line scans.
Further details of the system can be found on our website here.
Calmar Laser
TeraView’s TeraPulse Lx system now contains Calmar Laser’s high powered Mendocino fiber laser module.
With over 25 years of experience, Calmar’s world-leading ultrafast fiber laser solutions ensure reliable and robust integration into TeraView’s systems.
For more information contact TeraView or Calmar Laser directly.
Select Papers
Terahertz spectroscopic study of optical and dielectric properties of typical electrical insulation materials
Sensing Water Absorption in Hygrothermally Aged Epoxies with Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy

Events & Conferences
TeraView’s Dr Philip Taday will be talking at the European Microwave Week 2022 in London, UK. The event will take place 2-7 April 2022.
Would you like to partake in an online workshop?
TeraView are looking at conducting online workshops throughout the year.
Contact us if you are interested