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TeraView launches a new sensor technology to enable measurement of anode coatings used in electric vehicle batteries

Aug 7, 2024

TeraView, the pioneer and leader in terahertz technology and solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of a new sensor specifically designed to measure thickness, density and loading of coatings that are a key component of anodes in lithium-ion batteries for the electric vehicle (EV) and energy storage industries. The new sensor technology is an expansion to the established TeraCota family of solutions (used in automotive, aerospace and industrial film production) and complements TeraView’s successful cathode measurement sensor.

The sensor itself is based upon patented technology and enhanced software algorithms to deliver less than 1% error in measurement, with no prior knowledge of the material.

Designed to work on calandered or un-calandered anodes, the sensor is equally deployable in production or laboratory QA applications. TeraView is supporting deployment of the sensor with customers in the US, Korea, EU and elsewhere throughout the world in production environments.

Andy Bell, TeraView’s VP Business Development in Automotive and High Value Coating, commented TeraView is the leading supplier of terahertz sensors and solutions to the global battery industry. We are excited to launch this new sensor to specifically address anode coating measurements. We are interested in discussing how our terahertz measurement solutions can improve quality of product for battery electrode manufacturers.

Dr Don Arnone, TeraView’s CEO, commented “TeraView’s unique capability to measure anode as well as cathode coatings on electrodes in batteries is a result of our rare combination of expertise to flexibly design and manufacture high performance terahertz sensors, along with our unparalleled knowledge of methods for data analysis. These two in-house capabilities are not available from any other organization and allow us to extract information from terahertz light which is of direct use to our customers.”