Articles & Papers
TeraView’s strong commitment to fundamental and applied THz research and development, combined with its drive to understand and interpret terahertz data, is represented in academic publications and international journals.
The Impact of Interference from the Side Lanes on mmWave/THz Band V2V Communication Systems with Directional Antennas
Petrov, Vitaly, Joonas Kokkoniemi, Dmitri Moltchanov, Janne Lehtomaki, Markku Juntti, and Yevgeni Koucheryavy.AbstractCommunications systems operating in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) band have been recently suggested to enable high data-rate...
Terahertz spectroscopy of charge transport in films of pristine and doped single-wall carbon nanotubes
Gorshunov, B. P., E. S. Zhukova, JuS Starovatykh, M. A. Belyanchikov, A. K. Grebenko, A. V. Bubis, V. I. Tsebro et al.AbstractElectrical transport mechanisms of 2D carbon nanotube networks are presently under intensive studies. The related experimental data are...
A non-destructive method for quality control of the pellet distribution within a MUPS tablet by terahertz pulsed imaging
Novikova, Anna, Daniel Markl, J. Axel Zeitler, Thomas Rades, and Claudia S. Leopold.AbstractTerahertz pulsed imaging (TPI) was applied to analyse the inner structure of multiple unit pellet system (MUPS) tablets. MUPS tablets containing different amounts...
Preparation, characterization, and spectroscopy study on CdSe quantum dots linked to multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Abouelsayed, A., Badawi Anis, Aly Okasha, Ali M. Ali, W. Elhotaby, and Ahmed SG Khalil.AbstractWe present spectroscopy study on cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dots (QDs) with different particle sizes linked to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), so-called...
Terahertz Bandpass Filter Based on Frequency Selective Surface
Li, Jiu-Sheng, Yang Li, and Le Zhang.AbstractWe designed a terahertz bandpass filter based on double-layer frequency selective surface. Details of the proposed terahertz wave filter design and of the related parametric analysis are presented and discussed. The...
Terahertz non-destructive imaging of cracks and cracking in structures of cement-based materials
Li, Jiu-Sheng, Yang Li, and Le Zhang.AbstractWe designed a terahertz bandpass filter based on double-layer frequency selective surface. Details of the proposed terahertz wave filter design and of the related parametric analysis are presented and discussed. The...
Damage assessment in composite materials using full wavefield analysis
WANDOWSKI, Tomasz, Pawel H. MALINOWSKI, and Wieslaw M. OSTACHOWICZ.AbstractIn this paper damage assessment method is presented. This method is based on phenomenon of guided elastic waves propagation. Guided waves are generated by piezoelectric transducer and...
Global mapping of stratigraphy of an old-master painting using sparsity-based terahertz reflectometry
Dong, Junliang, Alexandre Locquet, Marcello Melis, and D. S. Citrin.AbstractThe process by which art paintings are produced typically involves the successive applications of preparatory and paint layers to a canvas or other support; however, there is an absence of...
Nondestructive Imaging of Packaged Microelectronics using Pulsed Terahertz Technology
Tyler Bowman and Magda El-ShenaweeAbstractThis work presents the use of terahertz reflection imaging for nondestructive evaluation of packaged microelectronics. Power MOSFETs and SRAM devices are placed in a pulsed terahertz imaging system in the reflection mode with...